NESR Online Store

If you shop online please consider shopping via these links. It won't cost you a penny more for the items you buy but a small percentage will be donated to NESR to help further our rescue efforts.

Cafe Press
Buy Cool things with ES on them at the Cafe Press store

Sea Pet Nutritional Supplements
Donates 10% of the purchase price to NESR. Just put NESR on the order form (in the space marked "company"). Sea Pet shark cartilage works wonders for your dog's stiff joints and best of all, their "spokesdog" is Gilbert, a very handsome English Shepherd!

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This page is produced as a service to the English Shepherd breed and people interested and involved
with the breed. Neither the creator of this page, the web server provider, nor any English Shepherd clubs
or organizations make any guarantees about the suitability of these animals.

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