Ryker is the lovely black and white, purebred English Shepherd, originally named Kipper, who was relinquished at the age of 18 months by his owner to the Bowling Green, KY, shelter. He had been chained in a back yard for months. My wonderful vet here in Topeka volunteered to foster him for NESR. Clara and her husband in KY worked with him at the shelter, then drove him to St. Louis, where Michael, NESR Midwest Coordinator, picked him up and brought him to Topeka. This scared and unsocialized dog blossomed into the happiest dog who charmed and stole the hearts of everyone. He found a wonderful home in Abiline, KS, with a great dog-lover.
This page is produced as a service to the English Shepherd breed and people interested and involved
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or organizations make any guarantees about the suitability of these animals.